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Saharawis ratify privileged nature of ties with Algeria

Algiers, Jul 9 (Prensa Latina) The President of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR), Brahim Ghali, stressed on Tuesday that strengthening and consolidating the privileged relationship with Algeria is the will of his people.

These relations and ties date back more than four decades, the Saharawi leader recalled in a congratulatory letter to his Algerian counterpart, Abdelmajid Tebboune, on the 62nd anniversary of the independence of Algeria.

Our interest and sincere will and firm determination is to strengthen the deep-rooted and distinguished relations and ties that exist between the two peoples and the two brotherly countries of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria and SADR, the head of State said in his message.

Under the leadership of the National Liberation Front, the Algerian mujahideen fought for almost a decade a bloody anti-colonial war in which the French metropolis, supported by settlers of that nationality killed millions of Algerian civilians.

The methods employed by the Parisian troops served as a model for the extermination operations employed by the US forces in Vietnam, which also ended in military defeat in 1975.
