Monday, September 16, 2024
name of Prensa Latina
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China confirms wish to work with India for better relations

New Delhi, Jul 9 (Prensa Latina) Ambassador Xu Feihong ratified China's wish to strengthen efforts with India for the progress in bilateral ties for the benefit of their peoples, the region and the rest of the world.

“We must adhere to the important consensus reached by the leaders of the two countries and return China-India relations to the right track as soon as possible,” the Chinese representative said at a recent reception in New Delhi.

Xu advocated working to make ties progress with a broader perspective of the Himalayan issue.

“China and India are close neighbors. If we only look from our own perspective, none of us will be able to see the full picture of the Himalayas. Only by staying high we can look far with vision and conviction,” he noted.

Xu emphasized that under the guidance of their leaders and with joint efforts, China-India relations will definitely advance on a healthy and stable path and bring more benefits to their peoples and the world.

The diplomat added that mutual respect and accommodation of the fundamental interests and main concerns of each country is necessary, as well as managing differences through dialogue and consultations and adequately handling pending issues.

The ambassador stressed that the improvement and development of ties between the two nations requires the joint efforts of both parties, and also ratified China’s willingness to work with India and other countries for the benefit of the region and the world and to assume the responsibility of building a community with a shared and brighter future for humanity.

Xu assured that the Chinese people wishes to forge lasting ties of friendship with the Indian people on the basis of the countries’development.
