Sunday, October 06, 2024
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Cubans in Argentina repudiate terrorist plan against the island

Buenos Aires, July 8 (Prensa Latina) The Union of Cuban Residents in Argentina (URCA) today repudiated a terrorist plan against the Caribbean nation planned, organized and financed from the United States.

Official media of our country reported the arrest, by the Ministry of the Interior, of the Cuban citizen Ardenys García, who left the country illegally in 2014 and entered illegally by sea, bringing in firearms and ammunition, as part of an act of recruitment to carry out violent actions, indicates a message from that organization.

The United States government, with its double standards, accuses Cuba of sponsoring terrorism, while in its own territory, acts of terror are planned, organized and financed against the people of the island and other countries in the world, he adds.

In its statement, the URCA condemns attacks of this type anywhere in the world and expresses its indignation at those organized against Cuban families.

We demand that the Yankee empire put an end to the aggressions against our country. Cuba has the capacity and the will to live in peace, without foreign interference, and the North American Government has the obligation to respect it, he concludes.
