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Argentine front called for a national day of struggle

Buenos Aires, July 5 (Prensa Latina) The Argentine Front of State Unions and Public Companies today called for a national day of struggle in defense of sovereignty and the public, against layoffs and the scrapping of the State, which will take place on Thursday.

We invite to the broadest unity, together with social movements and human rights organizations, says a statement from that entity that also informs about the celebration of an event in the capital’s Plaza de Mayo that day at 10:00, local time.

The Front urges citizens, organizations and political, social and cultural leaders to gather in front of the Casa Rosada to debate “the objectives and consequences of the regressive adjustment and the reactionary reforms promoted by the government of Javier Milei through the decree of necessity and urgency 70/23 and the Bases Law.”

These instruments reform or eliminate more than 300 regulations, grant legislative powers to the president, declare a period of emergency, allow for labor and pension reform and establish an incentive regime that favors large capital, among other provisions.

We have the responsibility to remember the role of the State, the missions and functions of the different organizations and our work tasks to guarantee society’s access to its rights; as well as the role it plays for the constitution of a truly sovereign country, says a statement from the Front.

Furthermore, it warns that Milei’s vision is based “on an anti-State conception that affects the rights of citizens, establishes the closure of offices and agencies, and approves layoffs to reduce staff and reduce public spending.”

We understand as urgent the need to work on actions that tend towards the unity of the people and have as their central axis the sovereignty and defense of our resources and habitat, promoting the well-being and happiness of the people, he adds.

Likewise, it highlights the importance of denouncing the elimination of jobs in the public administration, the dismantling of organizations and the reform of the State in order to make it disappear.

Those who come to the square will be able to visit several tents that will bring together speakers and visitors based on topics such as health, social security, transportation, public works, discrimination and migratory processes, education, culture, science and technology, economics, finance, justice, human rights and public policies.
