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Cuban president: national tours allow learning

Havana, Jul 5 (Prensa Latina) Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel underscored the practical usefulness of the tours of municipalities that he does along with political and government teams, which generate learning about the realities of each place.

The visits are, in the first instance, an example of support for local authorities in the implementation of decisions indicated by higher authorities, the president explained in his podcast “From the Presidency,” published on Thursday.

Díaz-Canel confirmed that the country’s top leadership “is in the fight alongside its people” and in these contacts they can appreciate the problems beyond what the reports contain, which allows them to investigate the real situation by themselves, make decisions, contribute with solutions that in some cases have favored the exploitation of idle agricultural areas, the Cuban president noted.

The tours also address various social problems in the communities, in the health and education sectors, and stimulate the search for answers to labor demands, especially among young people.

The Cuban head of State also mentioned the territorial analysis of the budget deficit, price control, the fight against illegalities, as well as the strengthening of the socialist state company and its link with new economic players.

The president defended the method of constant dialogue with the people, a legacy from Fidel Castro that acquires high relevance for political work.

“The government’s agenda cannot be distanced from the people, and the visits are designed to analyze the problems and energize their solutions, which demands greater effort and work capacity from local authorities,” Díaz-Canel said.

“Direct dialogue with the people is teaching and learning, it allows for socializing experiences, systematizing criteria and gathering consensus,” said the president, who highlighted the commitment, responsibility and dedication of the country’s leadership at all levels.
