Sunday, July 07, 2024
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Syria rejects expansion of Israeli settlements in the West Bank

Damascus, Jul 2 (Prensa Latina) The Syrian government today condemned the Israeli government's decision to expand settlements in the West Bank and called on the United Nations and the Security Council to stop Tel Aviv's crimes.

The Foreign Ministry issued a statement in which it strongly condemned the Israeli cabinet’s approval of establishing five settlements and giving the green light to build thousands of houses in the existing settlements, besides applying punitive measures imposed on the Palestinians.

The communiqué considered that the Israeli regime demonstrates day after day that it pays no attention to international law and disregards the relevant Security Council resolutions.

For the past nine months, Israel has continued to commit the crime of genocide against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, with a toll of over 37,000 dead, most of them children and women, persisting in its policies of demographic change and seizure of more land, in the service of its colonizing and racist ideology, the statement stresses.

The Ministry underlines that the genocide perpetrated by the occupying forces against the Palestinian people and its settlement expansion policies would not have been possible without the protection and political and military support provided by the United States.

He reiterated Syria’s demand to the United Nations and the Security Council to shoulder their responsibilities to stop the Israeli crimes, end all forms of occupation and settlement and provide protection to the Palestinian people and their inalienable rights.
