Sunday, July 07, 2024
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Vietnam asks Seoul for support to access global supply chains

Seoul, Jul 2 (Prensa Latina) Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh asked the National Assembly (Parliament) here on Tuesday to ratify those policies aimed at facilitating more participation of Vietnamese companies in the global supply chain of South Korean companies.

At a meeting with South Korean Legislative Chairman Woo Won-shik, the Vietnamese head of government called to continue to open this market for products with export potential from Vietnam, including agricultural goods.

Minh Chinh also proposed promoting bilateral ties in the sectors of digital transformation, green transition and human resources training in the semiconductor industry and artificial intelligence, as well as expanding cooperation in the parliamentary field.

Woo, in turn, asserted that the Parliament will work closely with its Vietnamese counterpart to support the two governments in effectively and substantially implementing the action program to deploy the new framework for relations between the two nations.

He also requested that the Vietnamese government pay attention to and create favorable conditions for South Korean enterprises doing business in China, and affirmed the readiness to promote cooperation in economic security and labor resources connection.

According to media sources, the two leaders appreciated the fruitful development of Vietnam-South Korea ties since they were upgraded in 2022 to the level of comprehensive strategic partnership, with positive results in trade, investment and people-to-people exchanges.

The Vietnamese prime minister also met on Tuesday with the chairman of South Korean electronics giant Samsung, Lee Jae Yong, whom he thanked for his intentions to collaborate in the future with new products, particularly in the fields of digital, green and circular economy.

In this regard, Minh Chin expressed confidence that Samsung will continue to expand investment, markets and diversify supply chains and consider Vietnam a strategic production base.

Vietnam, he said, continues to negotiate free trade agreements and explore new export markets in the Middle East, South America and Africa, which may help Samsung increase its sales to other countries.
