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Second CELAC Social Forum continues in Honduras

Tegucigalpa, Jun 28 (Prensa Latina) The second social forum of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) continues here after a first day in which discussions focused on the importance of unity and integration.

The day before, the Social CELAC was inaugurated, an event that gathers in this capital more than 300 international delegates who, in addition, participate in the programmed activities of the XXVII meeting of the Sao Paulo Forum.

During the first day’s work, the Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of Honduras and coordinator of the pro tempore presidency of CELAC, Gerardo Torres, read the Declaration of Tegucigalpa, the official document of the conclave.

The text expressed support for the President of Honduras, Xiomara Castro, and its revolutionary support to the Libertad y Refundación (Libre) Party and its general coordinator, Manuel Zelaya, whose party it described as the vanguard of the Honduran people.

The document also paid tribute to the peaceful struggle of the people against the coup d’état of 2009, until defeating the drug dictatorship that for 12 years and seven months oppressed this Central American nation.

It added that this coup was internationally repudiated which represented, not only a crime against humanity, but also the greatest act of corruption in the history of the country that “resulted in the imposition of a drug-dictatorship that plundered the political coffers, increased poverty, marginalization and social inequality”.

“The Government of Xiomara Castro has initiated a profound program of social and political reforms to re-found the Honduran State, restore its strength, reactivate the economy, promote education, and guarantee life, liberty, and peace”, it emphasized.
