Tuesday, July 02, 2024
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Complaints continue due to lack of medicines in Ecuador

Quito, Jun 28 (Prensa Latina) Patients with renal insufficiency in the Ecuadorian city of Guayaquil rallied Thursday, demanding that the Government pay its debt to dialysis clinics.

The demonstrators denounced that the debt with these healthcare centers has an over 13-month delay, which has caused the suppliers of inputs to cut the service.

On May 8, associations of patients with catastrophic and rare diseases demanded solutions to the lack of access to medicines for their treatments in the public healthcare system.

Furthermore, the National Association of Private Clinics and Hospitals of Ecuador claimed the Government of President Daniel Noboa the payment of dialysis treatments provided to patients in the public sector.

The lack of payment from the State complicates the attention and there are already entities that have halted the attention or do not have the necessary supplies for this process, essential for the life of renal patients who do not have private medical insurance.

Likewise, hemophiliac patients here denounced that the lack of medicines for their treatments in the public health network puts their lives at risk.

“This situation could worsen their pathology and seriously affect their quality of life,” the Ecuadorian Hemophiliac Foundation (FUNDHEC) highlighted in a statement released to the local press.

On Wednesday, President Noboa issued a decree to improve assistance in the public healthcare system.

The president ordered that in a maximum of 90 days all healthcare domestic units must have diagnostic equipment operative, especially tomographs, X-rays, ultrasound scanners and monitors.

The head of State further indicated that the human resources departments should carry out controls to ensure that physicians and healthcare personnel, in general, comply with the established working hours.
