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US blockade’s impacts on tourism underlined in Cuba

Havana, June 26 (Prensa Latina) Cuban tourism authorities strongly criticized the obstacle that the United States blockade represents for the country's travel industry.

A report published in Granma newspaper on Wednesday points out that this is a limiting factor. It mentions that Cuba’s tourism industry, as a driving force for other sectors, has a fundamental impact on the implementation of the National Economic and Social Development Plan and the achievement of the 2030 Agenda and its goals.

However, the article insists that external factors such as the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the US Government have a negative impact on the sector’s growth and development.

The general director of Marketing at the Ministry of Tourism of Cuba (MINTUR), Pilar Alvarez, explained that as a result, exchanges with US entrepreneurs who are interested in investing in tourist projects have ceased.

Regarding the impact of this policy on commercial, banking and financial operations, the official pointed out that Cuban companies and hotel groups cannot access investment funds and credit lines originated in the United States or other countries that comply with the US sanctions and their extraterritorial application.
