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Syrian diplomat denounces US bias against Israel

Damascus, Jun 26 (Prensa Latina) Syria's Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Qusay Al-Dahhak, said on Wednesday the United States and its allies put Israel's interests above International Law. Instead of trying to contain the escalation and work to calm the situation and achieve stability in the region, they gave Israel time to continue its crimes, the diplomat denounced, quoted by the press in this capital during his speech at a Security Council session to discuss the situation in the Middle East.

Al-Dahhak added that the crimes committed by Israel and its supporters in Gaza shows the extent of Western countries’ hypocrisy that claim to be sponsors of human rights.

These countries remained silent and have neither shown humanitarian concern nor made the slightest gesture to create an international mechanism to document the Israeli crimes and ensure that its leaders do not remain immune, the Syrian permanent representative to the UN pointed out.

He also denounced that these governments provided all kinds of political, military, and financial support to the Israeli war criminals and gave them enough time to continue their genocide against the Palestinian people and their attacks on the regional countries.

Al-Dahhak explained that these countries have long prevented the Security Council from assuming its responsibilities to maintain international peace and security and implementing its resolutions to end the occupation, which was and remains the root cause of all crises in the region and the suffering of its nations.
