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Syria condemns once more Israeli genocide in Gaza Strip

Damascus, Jun 24 (Prensa Latina) The Syrian Foreign Ministry condemned on Monday Israel's persistence in its genocide in the Gaza Strip and the remaining occupied Palestinian territories.

From the end of World War II to date, humanity has not witnessed crimes and atrocities similar and more horrible than those committed by Israel with the direct involvement of Western countries, the Ministry affirmed in a statement.

The diplomatic institution believes that the condemnation of these atrocious acts by most of the international community has failed to change the positions of the leaders of the Israeli racist regime.

They have adopted extermination and annihilation as slogans and goals to maintain their occupation of Arab territories, the text noted.

The statement pointed out that the constant talk of the Israelis and their Western allies about expanding the war to other fronts proves what Syria and other countries have been saying from 1948 to date. The countries should hurry to stop the crimes committed by Israel against international law and the UN Charter.

The Ministry denounced the international community’s inability to impose law and respect for the rights of the Palestinians and encouraged the Israeli Government to continue the annihilation war.
