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Israeli aggression hits educational system in Gaza

Ramallah, Jun 22 (Prensa Latina) Some 89,000 Palestinian students in Gaza were supposed to begin their high school exams today for the 2023-2024 academic year, but only 56% showed up as a result of the effects of the Israeli aggression.

The official Wafa news agency denounced that “the war launched 260 days ago by Israel deprived 39,000 students” of taking the exams, either because hundreds of them were victims, because they dropped out of classes due to attacks and forced displacement, or because of destruction of schools.

According to the Ministry of Education and Higher Education, at least 430 high school students have been killed by the military operations in Gaza since October 7 last year.

It also noted that some 8,000 Palestinians of school age have since lost their lives in the coastal enclave, as well as 350 teachers.

Plus, about 12,500 students were injured, including 2,500 who were disabled.

Local authorities estimated that of the 307 government school buildings in Gaza, 286 were ravaged, dozens of them totaled.

Wafa cited unofficial data, according to which the Israeli army destroyed 110 schools and universities in Gaza, in addition to damaging 321 others.

On X, the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Middle East (UNRWA) warned that at least “76% of schools in Gaza need major reconstruction to operate again.”

UNRWA recalled that education is a basic human right and reiterated its call for an immediate ceasefire.
