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Uruguay praises Cuban stance to lawsuit against Israel

Montevideo, June 21 (Prensa Latina) Uruguayan press prised on Friday Cuba’s decision to go along with those countries filing a lawsuit against Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

The Caras and Caretas digital weekly cited a statement Cuba’s Foreign Ministry (MINREX) in this regard.

The weekly stated that MINREX decided to do so “in correspondence with the steadfast and sustained commitment to support and contribute as much as possible to the legitimate international efforts to put an end to the genocide committed against the Palestinian people.”

The Cuban Government decided to meddle in the contentious procedure initiated by the Republic of South Africa against the State of Israel, the Uruguayan media disclosed.

The publication reviewed that the lawsuit, initially filed by South Africa, has as its “main goal to stop the atrocities against the Palestinian people as a result of the disproportionate and indiscriminate use of force by Israel.”

The Cuban Government denounced that “Israel, with total impunity, protected by the complicity of the U.S. Government, ignores its obligations as an Occupying Power under the Fourth Geneva Convention.”
