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Infamous US list against Cuba rejected in Syria

Damascus, Jun 21 (Prensa Latina) The Association of Syrian Graduates in Cuba issued a statement on Friday in which it condemned the Caribbean island's inclusion again on Washington's list of countries that allegedly sponsor terrorism.

The Association branded the recent removal of Cuba from the list of nations not fulling cooperating with Washington in the fight against terrorism as a new attempt to deceive world public opinion and the United States itself, where rejection of this hostile approach on Cuba is growing.

We, the Syrian professionals who graduated from Cuban universities, denounce this tangle and manipulation by means of which Washington intends to cover its criminal measure of keeping Cuba on the false State Sponsors of Terrorism (SSOT) list, created unilaterally by the Department of State, the press release said.

The text considered that the purpose of this unilateral decision is to defame Cuba and serve as a pretext to toughen the coercive economic measures mercilessly imposed on sovereign states.

Cuba, government and people, do not sponsor terrorism but have been and continue to be victims of this scourge, including State terrorism, and the US government itself, its State Department and its intelligence agencies know this very well, the statement explained.

It added that a country like Cuba, whose doctors have saved millions of lives in all corners of the world and whose universities receive thousands of students who acquire knowledge, science and human values, cannot in any way support terrorism as the United States claims.

It recalled that Washington’s wars around the world have killed thousands of innocent civilians and have encouraged terrorism and extremism, and as an example, it mentioned the genocide being committed in Gaza with US weapons and ammunition.

At the end of the statement, the Association reiterated its strong condemnation of the unjust economic, financial and commercial blockade unjustly imposed on Cuba by the United States, which, like the one imposed on Syria, generates hardships and disturbs the peoples’ well-being.
