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Argentine organization demands Cuba’s exclusion from US list

Buenos Aires, Jun 21 (Prensa Latina) The representation of the Permanent Assembly for Human Rights in the Argentine city of Rosario on Friday joined the voices demanding Cuba's exclusion from Washington's State Sponsors of Terrorism (SSOT) list.

In a letter to US Ambassador to Argentina Marc Stanley organization asserted that the qualification of Cuba with those terms “is a manifestly biased and arbitrary decision, which pursues unworthy motives” and lacks grounds.

Adding Cuba to that list enables decisions and actions to the detriment of that country, denying it access to basic goods and services essential for its people to lead a dignified life.

Furthermore, it reinforces the criminal blockade that has been in place for more than 60 years and is aimed at imposing a radical change, violating the principle of sovereignty and self-determination of the peoples, the letter states.

It indicates that, as published by the United Nations on February 8, the unilateral designation goes against international law and fundamental human rights such as the right to food, health care, education, economic and social rights, the right to life and development.

It also creates a chilling effect. An analysis of historic processes shows that it is not Cuba that sponsors terrorism, but successive US governments that seek to impose, at any cost, a change in its internal policy. That is why, they insist, without reason or evidence, on including Cuba as a sponsor of terrorism, it adds.

The Assembly in Rosario advocates respect for and compliance with international law, demands Cuba’s exclusion from that list and the lifting of all restrictions and measures that sustain an inhumane and brutal blockade, which for decades has caused enormous suffering and sacrifices to the Cuban people, it concludes.
