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Academic entity concerned over Glas’ situation in Ecuador

Quito, Jun 19 (Prensa Latina) The Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO) showed its concern for the situation faced by former Ecuadorian vice-president Jorge Glas, imprisoned since the assault to the Mexican Embassy in Quito, last April 5.

CLACSO held the Ecuadorian government and President Daniel Noboa responsible for the violation of the rights of the former vice-governor, who received the status of political asylum from Mexico before his “kidnapping”.

The entity indicated that, according to international law, the Ecuadorian State is obliged to recognize Glas’ asylum, as well as to grant the corresponding safe-conduct so that he can travel safe and sound to Mexican territory.

For CLACSO, Glas has been persecuted and harassed judicially and politically for seven years.

The Latin American academic institution pointed out that during his transfer and imprisonment, last April, he suffered torture, cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment, as well as death threats, which led him to start a hunger strike for over 60 days.

The defense of the former vice-president repudiated the ruling of a court of the National Court of Justice (CNJ) on June 7, which declared his detention legal, even though they violated international norms to learn it, such as the Vienna and Caracas Conventions.

On the other hand, the team of lawyers of the former vice president announced that it will appeal to the Inter-American system of justice to address the “kidnapping” of the politician, after exhausting the ordinary national channels.

Considered one of the symbols of judicial persecution or “lawfare” in Ecuador, Glas temporarily received the benefit of pre-release on November 28, 2022, after the unification of two prison sentences of six and eight years for the Odebrecht and Bribery cases; however, the measure was revoked.

At the beginning of this year, justice ordered his capture for alleged embezzlement in the case called Reconstruction of Manabí, which investigates an alleged embezzlement in public works after the 2016 earthquake.

He was in the Mexican Embassy in Quito from December 2023 until April 5 of this year, day in which uniformed officers raided the diplomatic legation to capture him by order of President Daniel Noboa.
