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Cuban singer songwriter gives concert in Chile

Santiago, Chile, Jun 19 (Prensa Latina) Owner of a sweet, melodic, and powerful voice that kept her on stage for more than two hours, Cuban singer songwriter Liuba Maria Hevia enchanted the audience that attended her concert in the Chilean capital.

The Master Hall of the University of Chile hosted the concert of the famous artist on Tuesday night, at which she sang several genres such as habaneras, guajiras, sons, trova, ballads, children’s songs, and tango.

During the concert, Liuba performed some of her best-known songs, such as “Tu Amor Es El Canto Mio” (Your Love Is My Song), “Señor Arcoiris” (Mr. Rainbow), “El Abuelo” (The Grandfather), “Si Me Falta Tu Sonrisa” (If I Miss Your Smile), Estela, Granito de Canela (Estela, Cinnamon Bean), and most recent ones, “Rumor en el Cielo” (Rumor in Heaven), dedicated to the Virgin of La Caridad del Cobre, patron saint of Cuba.

The singer, accompanied by Arnulfo Jose Guerra (bass, guitar, tres, and second voice), also performed two songs with Chilean singer and composer Manuel Garcia.

She recalled that this is her second visit to Chile. The first one took place during the Santiago International Fair.

Liuba Maria Hevia is in Chile as part of a Latin American tour that included Bolivia, where she performed at the Doña Albina Theater in La Paz.
