Monday, September 16, 2024
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Barbados condemns US blockade and Cuba’s inclusion on terrorist list

Bridgetown, Jun 16 (Prensa Latina): Barbados considered a matter of urgency that United States lift the economic, financial and commercial blockade against Cuba and exclude the island from its list of sponsors of terrorism, due to the dire consequences for the Cuban people.

According to Barbadian authorities, ending both policies would represent a relief to the harsh living conditions that Cuban citizens have faced for more than 60 years.

Although it welcomed Washington’s recent decision to eliminate Cuba from the list of nations that do not fully cooperate with the fight against terrorism, Barbados regretted Havana’s permanence in the other State Department unilateral list.

“Barbados reiterates that there was absolutely no justification for Cuba to be part of the List of State Sponsors of Terrorism since January 2021. Today, there is no such justification either,” the Executive stated in an official statement. The Mia Motley government denounced that the continuity of such a position toughens the blockade imposed for more than 60 years and is an aggravation of the big difficulties already suffered by both the Cuban people and its economy.

Barbados has always supported the Caribbean Community’s clear and reiterated position in solidarity with Cuba and its rejection of the US policy towards Cuba.

With this recent statement, Bridgetown joins the calls made in recent weeks by governments, political figures, social and solidarity organizations worldwide to demand that United States annul the sanctions against Cuba and its inclusion on such a list.
