Sunday, July 07, 2024
name of Prensa Latina
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name of Prensa Latina



Syrian journalists thank Prensa Latina for its media work

Damascus, Jun 13 (Prensa Latina) Several Syrian communicators stressed the efforts of Prensa Latina's war correspondents in objectively disseminating what has been happening during 13 years of conflict in this nation.

The editor-in-chief of Al-Azmeneh magazine, Ayman Wannous, assured that Prensa Latina journalists have watched over and worked to bring the truth to the world through their faithful coverage of the events in Syria since 2011.

Wannous, who lost both his legs in a terrorist attack with a bomb planted under his car in 2012, thanked the news agency for accompanying him and bringing his voice that they tried to silence through that act.

“One of the main causes of the current war against Syria is represented by hostile media campaigns that have spread fake news, but the excellent role of Prensa Latina’s team of correspondents has contributed to stoping these lies and disinformation campaigns,” he said.

He praised the journalists of this media outlet who provide coverage on the front lines during the Syrian army’s battles against terrorist groups, where they put their lives in danger.

“I, as a journalist, admire the role of Prensa Latina and I would like to address the presidency, journalists and administrative workers and congratulate them for their exceptional work in spreading the truth desired by the peoples and for stopping the media onslaught on free and sovereign countries that oppose imperialism, colonialism, extremism and US hegemony,” he concluded.

In turn, Hisham Wanous, correspondent of the Telesur channel in Damascus, pointed out that he has witnessed during the years of the conflict the excellent coverage of Cuban journalists and of the current correspondent of the news agency, who on many occasions has put his life in danger for telling the truth.

Prensa Latina is a necessary new agency that defends truth and has made a great contribution in confronting the falsehoods about what is happening in Syria, he explained.

Last Monday, an event was organized in this capital on the occasion of Prensa Latina’s 65th anniversary, with the participation of ambassadors from Latin American countries, academics, journalists and Syrian officials.
