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name of Prensa Latina
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name of Prensa Latina



Spain’s groups and figures congratulate PL on its 65th anniversary

Madrid, Jun 12 (Prensa Latina) Several groups and prominent figures in Spain, congratulated Latin American News Agency, Prensa Latina (PL), on the 65th anniversary of its founding, on June 16, 1959.

Jose Manzaneda, coordinator of Cubainformacion and activist of the Euskadi-Cuba solidarity group, highlighted PL’s significance as an alternative voice of information worldwide.

Manzaneda stressed that for Cubainformacion, Prensa Latina is an agency founded from friendship and solidarity with Cuba, “it is a pleasure to send a warm greeting to the PL team on the 65th anniversary of this emblematic Latin American agency.”

Solidarity with Cuba State Coordinator Araceli Escudero, in turn, also congratulated the Cuban agency on its 65th anniversary.

Escudero, who is also a Spanish journalist, analyzed the role of Prensa Latina as an alternative model of information on world events, highlighting Cuba and Latin America.

“Today, more than ever, Prensa Latina is necessary in this turbulent world we live in, where the media are at the service of capital and imperialism,” she pointed out.

In the last few days, Prensa Latina has received congratulations from different regions worldwide, including Uruguayan Laura Martirena, daughter of the assassinated correspondent Luis Martinera in that South American country, and Amanda Davila, director of the Bolivian television channel Abya Yala and former minister.
