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Dominican Rep works on project to change the Constitution

Santo Domingo, June 11 (Prensa Latina) The Legal Consultant of the Executive Branch of the Dominican Republic, Antoliano Peralta, stated today that the reform of the constitutional text will focus on two key aspects: limitation of presidential re-election and the independence of the Public Ministry.

During an interview in the “Cátedra Jurídica” space, Peralta specified that one of the main objectives is to make “almost impossible” the modification of article 124 of the Magna Carta, which regulates the presidential appointment. He revealed that the Dominican president, Luis Abinader, instructed the Consultancy to work on a project to change the Constitution that seeks a way, within the legal framework, so that the transformation of article 124 is almost impossible.

He stated that if the reform is approved, nothing is impossible, everything can be modified later, but if it is accepted as it is being discussed and possibly proposed, it will be very difficult to make changes.

The experienced jurist stated that Abinader seeks to put a “lock” on the Constitution of the Republic to prevent future leaders from abusing power and attempting to remain in office beyond what the Substantive Law establishes, as has happened in the past.

Regarding the independence of the Public Ministry, Peralta explained that the reform proposes reformulating the selection mechanism for the figure of the attorney general of the Republic and his deputies.

He explained that the objective is to ensure true autonomy of the prosecuting body, guaranteeing that its decisions are not influenced by political pressures.

Regarding other central points of the reform, the Legal Consultant of the Executive Branch argued that a bill is currently being processed in Congress that develops the constitutional aspects related to the referendum and citizen participation mechanisms.

He stated that the legislative piece will allow nationals to participate in making important decisions for the country and in the approval of certain constitutional reforms through referendums, thus strengthening participatory democracy.

In the interview, he also referred to other projects that are underway, such as the creation of a Ministry of Justice, whose purpose seeks to coordinate all policies related to the judicial system and improve efficiency and coherence in the administration of justice.

The bill proposes that the Ministry of Justice be in charge of administrative functions that are currently managed by the Attorney General’s Office, such as the management of penitentiary facilities, the issuance of certification of criminal records and the legalization of law firms and Notaries.

He noted that a Ministry of Justice will allow the Attorney General’s Office to focus on its essential function of combating crime and directing criminal investigations.

The legal consultant mentioned that there are several legislative initiatives underway, including the renewal of the Public Service Law, the Public Procurement and Contracting Law, and a new proposed law on freedom of expression and digital media.

Peralta highlighted the importance of these changes to strengthen the institutional and legal framework of the Dominican Republic.

He considered each of these ideas to represent a crucial step toward a more transparent and efficient government, with a firm commitment to democracy and social justice.
