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name of Prensa Latina
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name of Prensa Latina



Dominican Solidarity Campaign with Cuba congratulates Prensa Latina

Santo Domingo, Jun 11 (Prensa Latina) The coordinating team of the Dominican Solidarity Campaign with Cuba congratulated Prensa Latina on Tuesday on the occasion of its 65th anniversary, for being the voice of truth for the people of Latin America and the Caribbean.

In a letter to the Prensa Latina correspondent in this nation, the Campaign highlighted truth as an ethical principle that has distinguished the news agency since its inception on June 16, 1959.

He noted the importance of Prensa Latina, identified by its acronym PL, “in the face of hate campaigns by international media and news agencies owned by governments or large companies that are traditional enemies of the popular and revolutionary movements in the world.”

The friends of Cuba recalled that the news agency, based in Havana and with some thirty correspondents abroad, was founded at the initiative of the revolutionary leaders Fidel Castro and Ernesto Che Guevara, due to the need to have a media organization that would truthfully disseminate the events that occurred in Havana after the triumph of the Revolution.

The Campaign underscored the guerrilla courage of Argentine journalist, writer and revolutionary Jorge Ricardo Masetti (1929-1964), founder of Prensa Latina and its first director, while conveying his congratulations to its current president, Luis Enrique González, and to the group of workers and contributors.

“Brothers of Prensa Latina, we are sure that the news agency has many more 65 years left to celebrate at the service of truth,” stated the Dominican Solidarity Campaign with Cuba, founded on June 14, 1990, the same day of Ernesto Che Guevara’s birthday in 1928, in Rosario, Argentina.
