Saturday, September 07, 2024
name of Prensa Latina
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name of Prensa Latina



Godfrey Smith denounces a “blizzard of lies” against Cuba

Havana, jun (Prensa Latina) Godfrey Smith, former Foreign Minister of Belize, said that, since 1959, Fidel Castro and the Cuban government have been “besieged by a blizzard of lies and a barrage of misinformation from western media in an attempt to poison the world against the glorious Cuban revolution”.

In a video message for Prensa Latina news agency´s 65th founding anniversary, Smith added: “That insidious agenda failed because of the launching of Operation Truth and the birth of Prensa Latina”.

Today, sadly, the need for Prensa Latina -which he described as “a beacon of truth and hope that will never burn out”- has not diminished in an increasingly polarized world where the dominant western media houses shamelessly spread lies and misinformation about countries that do not subscribe to their world, he said.
