Sunday, October 06, 2024
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Defense of Ecuador’s fr.vice president to go to international justice

Quito, Jun 10 (Prensa Latina) The international defense team of Ecuador's former vice president Jorge Glas announced today that it will appeal to the Inter-American justice system to address the "kidnapping" of the politician after exhausting the national ordinary channel.

The objective is to seek justice and comprehensive reparation for the systematic violations of Glas’ human rights, according to a statement issued by the lawyers of the Juscogens law firm, coordinated by Christophe Marchand and Sonia Vera, in Brussels. The decision to go to courts outside the national territory comes after a court of the National Court of Justice (CNJ) of Ecuador declared on Friday night as legal the arrest of Glas during the raid to the Mexican embassy on April 5.

For Glas’ defense, the court has gravely failed to justify the raid on the Mexican diplomatic headquarters, directly violating international provisions, such as the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.

“The court failed to apply a state of exception as justification, ignoring international precedents that explicitly protect the sovereignty of diplomatic missions, even in emergency situations,” the lawyers pointed out.
