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Sri Lankan party describes US policy on Cuba as shameful

Colombo, Jun 10 (Prensa Latina) The Frontline Socialist Party of Sri Lanka described on Monday the decision by US President Joe Biden to keep Cuba in the arbitrary states-sponsor-of-terrorism (SSOT) list as shameful.

In a statement, the political organization condemned Washington’s categorization of Cuba, which was first activated during the Reagan administration in 1982 in an attempt to isolate and subjugate the Cuban Government, which courageously opposed imperialism.

The Socialist Party pointed out that the designation affects Cuba because it prevents it from carrying out transactions through international banking systems and acquiring necessary goods, such as fuel, food, construction materials, hygiene products, and medicines, in the foreign market.

For this reason, the Frontline Socialist Party strongly condemned the Biden administration.

It also affirmed that although the United States is sponsoring and directly aiding the genocide in Palestine, declaring Cuba a terrorist country is a shameful decision.

The Sri Lankan political organization demanded the US administration remove Cuba from the arbitrary list and overturn the decision on Cuba as it is stained with malice.
