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Costa Rica hosts UN High Level event on Ocean Action

San José, Jun 7 (Prensa Latina) Costa Rica will host the UN High-Level Event on Ocean Action until next Saturday, prior to the Third United Nations Ocean Conference (UNOC) in June 2025 in France.

The meeting will be “a space for the exchange of good practices and successful experiences in matters related to ocean health,” explained Costa Rican Foreign Minister Arnoldo André.

Participants will debate topics such as governance, global warming, fisheries, and marine biodiversity, which will help decision-making ahead of the UN meeting in Nice, France, in June next year.

The main axes of “Immersed in Change” include continuing with the international political agenda to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established in 2015 by the UN, with the 14th goal calling to “conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources as part of a sustained development”.

The event agenda includes panels, parallel contacts, and dialogue tables, in which government authorities, experts, representatives of international organizations, NGOs, and members of civil society will exchange successful practices and experiences on ocean administration and defense.

“Immersed in Change” has the support of the Government of Saudi Arabia, the Inter-American Development Banks, the Development Banks of Latin America and the Caribbean, and the organizations Blue Ocean Foundation, Pew Bertarelli Ocean Legacy, and the French Development Agency.
