Saturday, September 07, 2024
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World Day of Transplant Patients is celebrated

Washington, Jun 6 (Prensa Latina) The World Health Organization (WHO) is celebrating the World Day of Transplant Patients, due to the need of millions of patients with chronic or terminal diseases for this practice in order to continue living.

Procedures such as kidney, liver, heart and lung transplants are common and save many lives, as medical science improves surgical techniques and post-operative treatments, increasing success rates and quality of life for these people.

During the 77th World Health Assembly, delegates approved a pioneering new agreement on increasing the availability, ethical access and oversight of human cell, tissue and organ transplantation, Cuban portal Infomed reported.

The most recent 2022 data from the Global Observatory on Donation and Transplantation indicate that more than 150,000 transplants (10% or less of global needs) of solid organs are performed annually worldwide, a figure that nonetheless represents a 52% increase over 2010.

However, there is still insufficient growth and asymmetric development in transplantation worldwide, as many countries do not have adequate systems in place, for example, in terms of legislation, governance, skilled workforce, infrastructure and funding.
