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WFP reports record figures of food insecurity in Haiti

United Nations, Jun 6 (Prensa Latina) Nearly five million Haitians suffer today from acute food insecurity and more than 1.6 million are considered in an emergency situation, according to figures released by the World Food Program (WFP).

The country is experiencing the worst food security crisis since the 2010 earthquake, the head of this UN agency in Haiti, Jean-Martin Bauer, confirmed to the press, calling for more support for the crisis generated by violence.

According to the representative, the population prioritizes security while the actions of armed gangs impact both humanitarian personnel and locals.

Figures from the International Organization for Migration state that out of 360,000 Haitians leaving their homes, more than 100,000 of them left Port-au-Prince in March alone.

This exodus from the capital is especially affecting the south of the country, where infrastructure is limited, aggravating the food crisis, the WFP chief added.

“The country has been blocked. The main container ports and the airport were not functioning for months. Gradually they are back up and running,” he added.

Despite the establishment of a Transitional Council and the appointment of a new prime minister, Bauer described the latest phase in the country as violent and unstable.
