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Russia Foreign Minister arrives in Africa

Conakry, Jun 4 (Prensa Latina) Once again Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, visited Africa after the continent refused to give in to the diplomatic offensive conducted by the United States and the European former colonial powers.

Lavrov arrived on Monday in the capital of Conakry. His program includes stopovers in Chad and Burkina Faso, which provisional governments rule, the first of which started on the way back to constitutionality, holding presidential elections last month.

Africa is favorable to Moscow, seeing how more than half the states in the continent refused last year to sign the resolution presented at the UN against Russia’s military operation in Donbass.

The Russian government neutralized the campaign unleashed by the NATO member countries who accused it of using food as a weapon after it freely supplied thousands of tons of wheat to African countries submerged in serious economic crises, thus, leaving the “collective West” at a loss of words, unwilling as it is of assuming such expenses without expecting a return of the investment.

Although most of the Western dignitaries that visited African countries were treated following the protocol, the government of South Africa went beyond. It was explicit in its position when Foreign Minister Nadeli Pandor reminded that Russia is a faithful friend of many years, leaving the unsaid fact that it supported the black majority of the South African population until the end, in its opposition to the apartheid regime, unlike the position held by some Western countries .
