Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Honduras demands Cuba’s removal from illegal US SSOT list

Havana, Jun 3 (Prensa Latina) The Government of Honduras demanded to remove Cuba from the arbitrary states-sponsor-of-terrorism (SSOT) list, the Foreign Ministry (MINREX) issued in a statement on its X profile on Monday.

The MINREX also published the statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Honduras, which considers Cuba’s inclusion on that list an attack against the development and welfare of the Cuban people.

Honduras calls on the Government of the United States for the sake of the harmonious coexistence of the international community so that Cuba be removed from that list, the text states.

It also reiterates its rejection of unilateral qualifications against International Law, including the principle of sovereign equality of the States, the prohibition of intervention in the internal affairs of any country, and the principle of peaceful resolution of international conflicts.
