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name of Prensa Latina
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name of Prensa Latina



Prensa Latina for more media balance in Latin American event

New York, June 1 (Prensa Latina) The world needs journalism without dominant voices where everyone can be heard, said today the vice president of Prensa Latina, Luisa María González, when speaking before the Hispanic American Press Congress.

During her presentation dedicated to ethics in this work, the journalist also considered equal conditions and balance in the media and global scenario to be essential.

González warned of a complex context for the press and its audiences that face a true avalanche of information.

As a consequence, she added, it is increasingly difficult to identify what is truly relevant while quality deteriorates, and reading or consumption patterns that privilege speed and superficiality over slow analysis, interpretation and reflection.

Other challenges are the proliferation of fake news, sometimes banal, or the distortion of reality, sometimes to cartoonish levels.

Faced with this scenario, González opted to strengthen the training of reporters with greater technical skills and comprehensive humanistic training.

“Journalists must have a high level of preparation in topics such as history, philosophy, economics, politics, literature and art, to be subjects capable of analyzing the reality that surrounds them, interpreting it, identifying the conflicts and challenges of societies, in order to be able to carry out their work with high professionalism,” he said.

At the same time, she considered it essential to promote the role of the media as public servants who must contribute to social progress.

Today’s journalism must recover the values ​​and premises that have defined the profession since its first days, and that sometimes seem to blur in this overwhelming fight for likes, positioning, and economic benefit, she added.

Objectivity, the appropriate use of the various sources of information, the pertinent management of data, permanent adherence to codes of ethics, and the existence of social regulations in the field in question, must continue to be the basic principles in the practice of journalism in contemporary times, she added.

Prensa Latina was born in 1959 at the initiative of Fidel Castro, Ernesto Guevara and Jorge Ricardo Masetti committed to supporting the just causes of the planet.

It currently maintains offices in 35 countries, with a greater presence in Latin America and the main capitals of Europe, Asia and Africa.

According to its first vice president, the nascent media was in its genesis the response of the revolutionary and progressive government to the media manipulation that predominated.
