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DPRK warns about danger of US spy flight

Pyongyang, May 31 (Prensa Latina) The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) on Friday warned about an 'unpredictable disaster' following the raid on its territory of a US RC-135U spy plane based in Japan.

A commentary on the state-run KCNA news agency noted that such aircraft and U-2S and RQ-4B models monitor the country almost 24 hours a day in blatant violations of the country’s sovereignty and security, a hostile action that goes beyond the limit of danger.

Military espionage on the DPRK is organized and executed by the highest US commanders, since the results of the flights carried out by the RC-135U, of which there are only two units, are reported in real time to the president, the secretary of defense and other figures of the ruling leadership of that country, KCNA added.

Events such as the aforementioned violations, and the constant and increasingly extensive and complex military exercises being carried out against the DPRK, might lead at any moment to a situation of ‘unprecedented dimensions,’ the news agency warned.

It recalled that from January to April this year, the US and its allies had carried out more than 140 military maneuvers and training exercises on the Korean Peninsula, twice as many as during the same period last year, while those planned for the second half of the year are larger in scope and equally provocative and reckless in nature.

The new agency mentioned the Ulji Freedom Shield exercises, planned for August and consisting of testing a nuclear attack on the DPRK.

Under such circumstances, the intentions of the US spy flights are very clear: to have more concrete and detailed knowledge about the DPRK’s core facilities and important areas, it said.

Reality shows that enhancing the self-defense capability of the country (…) is indispensable for defending the sovereignty, security and interests of the State and is a most important task to be fulfilled in a hurry, KCNA said.

The DPRK National Defense Ministry has already stated its position firmly to take immediate action when the sovereignty, security and interests of the State are violated, the commentary said.

The DPRK conducted an artillery drill ‘to demonstrate the might of 600-mm-caliber reactive rocket launcher subunits’ on Thursday.
