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China-Equatorial Guinea relations reach a higher level

Beijing, May 29 (Prensa Latina) The ties between China and Equatorial Guinea are at a higher level after Presidents Xi Jingping and Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, respectively, announced the elevation of relations to the rank of comprehensive strategic cooperation partnership.

“Under the new circumstances, the consolidation and development of these relations respond to the fundamental interests and common expectations of the two countries and peoples,” said the President of China when receiving the African leader on Tuesday. “China firmly supports Equatorial Guinea in safeguarding national sovereignty and independence, opposing foreign interference, and independently exploring its own development path,” he said.

“Developing countries need to strengthen solidarity and cooperation more than ever in a scenario in which turmoil is intertwined, changes not seen in a century and are accelerating, and when human society faces unprecedented challenges,” Xi Jinping added, further pointing out that developing solidarity and cooperation with African countries is an important cornerstone of China’s foreign policy.

The Chinese president expressed his willingness to hold a new summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC).

“It is necessary to further promote traditional friendship, deepen solidarity and cooperation, discuss future development and cooperation plans, and open a new chapter in building a China-Africa community with a shared future,” said the Chinese president, asserting that China supports economic and social development, supports the efforts of Equatorial Guinea in promoting economic diversification and industrialization, and is willing to create a close synergy between the achievements of the FOCAC and the Belt and Road Initiative with the Equatorial Guinea Agenda 2035.

Obiang, in turn, classified China as a good brother and reliable strategic partner and recalled that bilateral ties have maintained friendly development and are currently in the best period in history since the establishment of diplomatic relations, 54 years ago.

The president also highlighted that Chinese medical teams in Africa, the China-Equatorial Guinea Friendship Hospital, and other important projects, have benefited the local population, becoming a symbol of friendship between the two nations.

“Equatorial Guinea is willing to open its doors to China and welcome its companies to invest and carry out cooperation, thereby contributing to achieving economic diversification and industrialization and ensuring lasting and healthy national development,” Obiang said.
