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Solidarity groups in Panama demand U.S. to remove Cuba from SST list

Panama City, May 27 (Prensa Latina) The capital city chapter of the National Coordinator of Solidarity with Cuba in Panama on Monday called the United States to remove Cuba from the spurious states-sponsor-of-terrorism (SST) list.

In a statement, which Prensa Latina had access to, this fraternal group indicated that far from sponsoring terrorism, the Cuban people have been really victims of it, including State terrorism, a matter known to the White House, the State Department, and its intelligence and law enforcement agencies.

For those in solidarity, this is a unilateral and illegal blackmail and coercion measure of third governments and international entities by Washington in order to achieve Cuba´s economic stifling, which has resisted for over 60 years the US aggressions.

They also called on the Laurentino Cortizo administration to urge his U.S. counterpart to remove Cuba from the unilateral SST list, while condemning that this illegitimate action will hinder Cuba´s possibilities of acquiring fuel, food, construction supplies, hygiene products and medicines on the international market.
