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Ecuador calls on U.S. to remove Cuba from the SST list

Quito, May 27 (Prensa Latina) The Ecuadorian Coordinating Committee for Friendship and Solidarity with Cuba on Monday called on the U.S. government to remove Cuba from the "arbitrary, spurious and infamous" states-sponsor-of-terrorsim (SST) list.

The organization issued a statement describing Washington’s policy as “double standards” and demands that Cuba be removed from the SST list “used to justify the economic blockade imposed on Cuba for over six decades”.

Likewise, the Coordinating Committee claims that “if anyone should be put on a serious SST list, it is the United States”.

In this regard, they mention examples of acts considered to be terrorist acts by the U.S. government itself, such as the invasions and military interventions in dozens of countries in the name of “freedom and democracy”.

What could be more terrorist than the financing these days by the United States of the Zionist State of Israel with billions of dollars in arms to conduct a horrendous genocide against the Palestinian people. Unlike the United States, which plagues all countries with spies to overthrow governments, Cuba promotes and practices solidarity with all the peoples with medical, educational, sports and scientific research missions.

After reiterating their total repudiation of Washington’s interventionist policy, the Ecuadorians insisted on putting an end to the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed on Cuba.
