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Judge orders Argentine Government to deliver stored food

Buenos Aires, May 27 (Prensa Latina) Federal Judge Sebastian Casanello ordered the Argentine Ministry of Human Capital on Monday to present a report with the amount of food it has in stock and an immediate distribution plan.

Casanello gave a deadline of 72 hours to that Ministry, headed by Sandra Pettovello, and called to take into account the expiration dates and types of items for their distribution.

The judge’s ruling is known after the filing of an appeal by the leader of the Patria Grande front, Juan Grabois, and social organizations that accused the Government of withholding 5,000 tons of food acquired by the Alberto Fernandez administration for soup kitchens.

On his X profile, Grabois charged that the food is rotting in warehouses in Villa Martelli and Tafi del Valle, while many people are starving.

They do not realize that the catastrophe is already here and they deliberately aggravate it every day. They are planned misery, bad people.

Not even with millions of defamation can they cover up the 5.8 million more poor people since the beginning of the government and the 2.5 million more homeless people, the former presidential candidate said.

The judge ordered that the notification be delivered to the Executive by personnel from the Department of the Investigative Unit against Corruption of the Federal Police and reminded that the officials must guarantee ‘food security, the reduction of poverty and the development of equal opportunities for the most vulnerable sectors,’ Pagina 12 reported.

However, the spokesman for Casa Rosada, Manuel Adorni, stated that the Government will appeal Casanello’s ruling, considering that ‘it is not a judicial matter, but a matter of public policy.’
