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Cuba solidarity campaign in Chile gains supporters

Santiago, Chile, May 27 (Prensa Latina) A dozen groups in Chile have joined the "Pon tu Grano de Amor por Cuba" (Put Your Grain of Love for Cuba) campaign, promoted by graduates from Cuba's Latin American School of Medicine (ELAM) and the Gladys Marín Foundation.

Dr. Amaya Candia told Prensa Latina that the initiative aims to raise funds to send food, medical supplies, and other articles to Cuba.

The ELAM-Chile Non-Governmental Organization president stated that communist activists, the Cuba Solidarity Movement, the Coordinating Committee with different zones, the Siboney group, and the 2 de Diciembre group joined this crusade.

Other participants are the Internationalist Group, the Jose Marti Chile-Cuba Cultural Institute, the Society of Writers, and the Association of Parents of Graduates in Cuba.

“We want to reaffirm today our commitment and say once again that Cuba is not alone; many of us will stand up once and one thousand times in its defense,” organizers stated in a letter.

Candia explained that they are making progress in collecting funds to purchase the supplies.

“Pon tu Grano de Amor por Cuba is an ethical and moral duty that commits us to the world’s free nations,” the campaign’s sponsors affirmed.
