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There is no alternative but peace, says President Daniel Ortega

Managua, May 25 (Prensa Latina) Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega on Saturday reiterated there is no alternative for humanity but peace, when in the name of democracy wars and aggressions multiply.

During a ceremony held Friday night for the delivery to Nicaraguan carriers of a new fleet of Chinese buses, the Nicaraguan leader recalled that such aggressions are being done by “the imperialists of the earth”.

“Yes, the imperialists of the earth, and I never tire of repeating it, those who began by waging wars among themselves to dispute the domination of Europe,” said Ortega at the ceremony, which was also attended by Vice President Rosario Murillo.

The Sandinista leader recounted the colonizing processes in Europe and how in their disputes to take over the world they killed each other, and now they present themselves as the great democrats or pacifists.

“The peoples have enough strength, enough intelligence to decide their own future”, Ortega stressed.

The Central American ruler also mentioned Venezuela, which will soon hold presidential elections, and how the hegemonic powers led by the United States are attacking the South American country from all sides, as they want to defeat it in any way they can.

“They (USA) have tried with coups d’état, with assassinations, now they are talking that these elections are not democratic, they have already disqualified them, they are not going to recognize them”, he said.

In this regard, Ortega referred to those sanctions applied by those powers and described them as aggressions that harm the peoples.

He assured that President Nicolás Maduro, who today carries the sword of Simón Bolívar in Latin America, will succeed in moving forward with the support of Venezuelans and the peoples of Our America, even if there are governments that want to ignore him.
