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Communist Party of India joins worldwide campaign in support of Cuba

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New Delhi, May 25 (Prensa Latina) The Communist Party of India (Marxist), CPI(M), on Saturday called for the end to the U.S. blockade imposed on Cuba as well as its immediate removal from the arbitrary states-sponsor-of-terrorism (SST) list.

In a video message of solidarity with the Cuban people, the head of the International Relations Department of the PCI(M), M.A. Baby, stressed the removal of Cuba from the list of nations that do not fully collaborate in anti-terrorist efforts is insufficient.

The designation that Washington persists in maintaining over Cuba, without any moral or political authority, is a justification to impose sanctions and other repressive measures against the Cuban people.

Baby pointed out that it is also one of the major genocidal tools used by the U.S. government to stifle the Cuban people, despite the growing international rejection.

M.A. Baby, also member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist), stressed that a large sector of U.S. citizens demand the elimination of Cuba from the SST list.

He stressed that the U.S. government is also promoting a systematic and well-financed media operation in both traditional and digital platforms.

With this, he said, Washington intends to project the Cuban government as responsible for the impact of its inhumane measures with the aim of instigating discontent among the people against the socialist system.

The party leader pointed out that the final objective of the White House is to seek a change of political regime in the Caribbean nation.

This has been the game of the United States since Cuba declared the socialist character of its Revolution, he said.

M.A. Baby also highlighted the heroic resistance of Cubans to all Washington’s attempts to destabilize the Caribbean nation’s society.

The United States has used hundreds of terrorist attacks organized from its territory, including assassination attempts against Fidel Castro, the armed invasion of the Bay of Pigs and the special period following the collapse of the Soviet Union, he said.

Finally, on behalf of his organization, the Indian leader ratified his confidence that the people will successfully overcome these obstacles with the leadership of the Communist Party of Cuba and reiterated his country’s solidarity in this difficult period.
