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French express support for Cuba and condemn the blockade

Mauleón-Licharre, France, May 24 (Prensa Latina) French people from various areas of society demonstrated today in the southern town of Mauleón-Licharre, in the Pyrenees-Atlantiques, solidarity with Cuba and denounced the blockade that the United States has imposed on it for more than six decades.

In a day of activities and popular celebrations in the town of the French Basque Country, the Caribbean island was the protagonist, with ambassador Otto Vaillant as a special guest.

The diplomat exposed the consequences of the economic, commercial and financial blockade tightened by Washington in recent years, with measures such as the re-inclusion of Cuba in the unilateral list of countries sponsoring terrorism, a decision that he repudiated as a fallacy.

Vaillant spoke in Mauleón-Licharre with the local press and shared with high school students aspects of the reality of the Antillean nation and its responses to pressing challenges of humanity, among which he mentioned climate change.

Added to these challenges is having to face them under a scenario of blockade and aggression, he stressed.

The mayor of the commune of three thousand inhabitants, Louis Labadot, acknowledged in statements to Prensa Latina the presence of the ambassador and his explanations and condemned the hostile policy of the United States towards Cuba.

Today here we have condemned the criminal blockade that hits the island, and we have also supported its causes, such as the defense of freedom, peace and altruism, the member of the Communist Party added. The day in Mauleón-Licharre included the exhibition Cuba Another View, presented by the president of the Cuba Linda association, Didier Lalande, and closed with the Ainerak cultural festival.
