Saturday, September 07, 2024
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India demands immediate removal of Cuba from SST list

New Delhi, May 24 (Prensa Latina) The National Cuba Solidarity Committee of India on Friday demanded the immediate removal of Cuba from the states-sponsor-of-terrorism (SST) list.

In a statement, the Indian grouping reaffirmed its strong support to the demand in that direction of all anti-imperialist, democratic and justice-loving peoples, and reiterated, on behalf of the citizens of its country, its support to Cubans in their struggle against imperialism.

It considered as a welcome but insufficient step the recent recognition by Washington that Cuba cooperates fully in anti-terrorist efforts, since it does not mean the elimination of the Caribbean nation from the SST list.

It added that the United States uses this designation as one of the main genocidal tools to stifle the Cuban people.

The Indian Solidarity Committee pointed out that together with the most draconian economic blockade imposed on Cuba, these measures are aimed at paralyzing Cuba’s economy and instigating discontent among people against the government.

Washington allocates billions of dollars to its project to destabilize Cuba and this includes the promotion of various media outlets to broadcast fake news and propaganda.
