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Open Arms, UNRWA expose from Spain panorama in Gaza

Madrid, May 24 (Prensa Latina) The NGO Open Arms and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) in Spain offered on social media on Friday the current bleak picture in Gaza.

Established in 2015, Open Arms is devoted to rescuing migrants at sea from its first base of operations on the Geek island of Lesbos, in the Aegean Sea, and from a ship in the central Mediterranean.

“With our thoughts always on #Gaza, where genocide continues and has claimed the lives of over 35,000 people with the international community’s complicity, we double down on leaving no #lives adrift.

UNRWA, in turn, denounced that “childhood in #Gaza is uncertainty, suffering, displacement, hunger, and thirst. It is not education, play, or carefree.”

In another part of its text on social media, UNRWA stressed that “thousands of children suffer traumas that are impossible to erase.”

It is unbearable. An immediate cease-fire is necessary for children to have a future.”
