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Ecuador awaits ICJ ruling on Mexican Embassy assault

Quito, May 23 (Prensa Latina) Ecuador is awaiting the International Court of Justice (ICJ)'s ruling on the measures requested by Mexico following the assault on its Embassy in Quito.

On April 5, Ecuadorian soldiers entered the Mexican Embassy in this capital to arrest former Vice President Jorge Glas, who had been granted asylum by the Government of Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador because he was considered a politically persecuted person.

The violent entry of the police forces was rejected by the international community and led to the rupture of bilateral relations.

On April 11, Mexico demanded Ecuador before the ICJ for violating international laws regarding the inviolability of diplomatic missions.

As part of the complaint, Mexico requested provisional measures, including that the Ecuadorian Government provide protection and security to diplomatic facilities, their goods and archives, and avoid any form of intrusion in diplomatic venues.

The decision by the highest court of the United Nations will come after hearing the arguments of both parties on April 30 and May 1.

At the time, representatives of the Government of Ecuador justified the assault on the Embassy, describing it as unusual and isolated, which sought to arrest a “common criminal” in reference to former Vice President Glas.

Mexico, in turn, accused Ecuador of “crossing lines that should not be crossed in international law” by raiding violently and assaulting a diplomat physically.
