Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Bolivia calls to vaccinate against yellow fever

La Paz, May 23 (Prensa Latina) Bolivian Deputy Minister of Epidemiological Surveillance Max Enriquez called on the population to get vaccinated against yellow fever, whose doses are available free of charge in 3,600 healthcare establishments.

The vaccine is available in all vaccination centers, it is free, and is administered to children between 12 and 23 months of age, the epidemiologist said.

He insisted that immunization should be carried out not only in endemic regions, but throughout the country, because young people, for different activities, visit those territories and are prone to be infected and develop the disease, the deputy minister said in an interview with the state-owned Bolivia TV.

Enriquez explained that people who travel to tropical areas should be protected with the vaccine ten days prior to the trip, in a single dose.

If during the trip or upon returning, symptoms appear, an immediate medical consultation should be made, he suggested, explaining that these signs appear between three and six days after the bite of the transmitting agent.

At the first symptoms of fever, it may be dengue, zika, chikungunya, oropouche, you should go quickly to the health center to be tested and determine the appropriate treatment,’ the expert emphasized.

The Departmental Health Service of La Paz (Sedes) reported that two people had died of yellow fever in the north of La Paz during the first weeks of May.
