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Sri Lankans urge US to end inhumane measures against Cuba

Colombo, May 22 (Prensa Latina) The Democratic Left Front of Sri Lanka urged the current US administration on Wednesday to eliminate the inhumane measures it maintains against Cuba, which have been rejected internationally.

Millions of people worldwide who appreciate democracy are taking the initiative to cooperate with Cuba, the Sri Lankan organization assured in a statement.

It reiterated its support for the press release by the Foreign Ministry (MINREX) in Havana demanding Cuba’s removal from Washington’s State Sponsors of Terrorism (SSOT) list.

In the press release, the Democratic Front recalls that before leaving office, the Donald Trump Government included Cuba in the false list in an attempt to destroy the Cuban people through economic sanctions.

The Sri Lankan organization stated that this caused the Cuban people severe foreign exchange hardships and shortages of food, fuel, and medicine.

However, the heroic Cuban people did not allow the State to collapse in the face of all those obstacles, which is also a victory for the nations globally fighting against imperialism, it stressed.

The Sri Lankan Front quoted Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez, who said that the (Joe) Biden administration has accepted what everyone in the United States knows.

Finally, the Sri Lankan organization stressed the growing international solidarity and the non-sustainability of the inhumane US sanctions against Cuba, which it said, must be lifted immediately.
