Saturday, September 07, 2024
name of Prensa Latina
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name of Prensa Latina



Tribute to Palestinian culture at Ethiopia’s Great South Festival

Addis Ababa, May 20 (Prensa Latina) In a tribute to Palestinian heritage, culture, and traditions, artists from several countries joined Le Trio Joubran at the Festival of the Greater South: "Peoples in Motion, Living Cultures" in this city.

Poets from Ecuador, Cambodia, Ethiopia, and Djibouti, designers from Palestine and Ethiopia, painters from Senegal, Cuban musicians and dancers, and reggae pioneers from Trinidad and Tobago participated in this first edition of the Festival, which took place on Saturday.

Cuban artist Raúl Paz, considered by critics to be one of the most innovative musicians of his generation, has fused the rhythms of son, traditional guajira, rock, hip-hop, and poetry to create authentic sounds with great appeal to young audiences.

Formed by three brothers from Nazareth, Le Trio Joubran is a traditional Palestinian music group that plays the Arabic lute, one of the oldest instruments in the world, an aesthetic proposal that has won them international recognition.

Organizers stated that the Festival aims to provide a space of exchange for creators from the peoples of the Global South, where they can express through art the diverse and complex stories that shape the realities of the world’s silenced majority.
