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Argentina holds a colloquium on Cuban hero Jose Marti

Buenos Aires, May 20 (Prensa Latina) Cubans and Argentines are participating on Monday in a colloquium on the life and thoughts of Cuba's National Hero, Jose Marti (1853-1895), 129 years after falling on the battlefield.

The Cuban Embassy in this capital, the Network of Cátedras Martianas, the Movement of Solidarity, the Union of Cuban Residents in this country, and Argentine graduates in Cuba organized the event.

The work “Una Rosa Blanca” (A White Rose), created by playwright and storyteller Cecilia D’Angelo as a tribute to the Apostle of Independence, will be presented as part of the event.

On Friday, diplomats, workers, and members of the said organizations laid a wreath before the bust of the Cuban patriot in the Poets’ Garden of the Paseo del Rosedal Park in Buenos Aires.

During the ceremony, Cuban Ambassador to Argentina, Pedro Pablo Prada, highlighted the validity of the thought and work of the founder of the Cuban Revolutionary Party, which was conceived to lead the war of independence and the creation of a new Republic.

The diplomat affirmed that his early death was a loss for the struggles of Cuba and Latin America; his ideas and journalistic and literary work remained the purest of the 19th century and still exert a decisive influence.
