Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Cuban authorities predict power outages on Sunday

Havana, May 19 (Prensa Latina) The Cuban Electrical Union (UNE) estimated an availability of 2,440 megawatts (MW) and a maximum demand of 3,350 MW, accounting for a deficit of 910 MW on Sunday.

If the expected conditions continue, an impact of 985 MW is estimated during the hours of maximum demand, UNE Technical Director Lázaro Guerra told national television.

The expert noted that the high temperatures recorded in the country have increased electricity demand, which, together with the reduced generation capacity due to breakdowns, thermoelectrical plants’ maintenance and shortage of fuel, have a negative effect on power generation.

He explained that given the decrease in energy availability, circuits must be disconnected to maintain the balance between supply and demand of the service.

Guerra added that the distribution of available energy and the programming of circuit rotations to be turned off in the event of a deficit is coordinated by provincial authorities and the UNE, in order to maintain the balance between energy demands and offers 24 hours a day.
