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Cuba will continue advancing in social digital transformation

Havana, May 17 (Prensa Latina) Advancing the digital transformation in all areas of society, according to the National Economic and Social Development Plan until 2030, is a priority for Cuba, Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez said today.

On the social network X, the Cuban Foreign Minister reaffirmed this intention on the World Telecommunications and Information Society Day. The President of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, in a recent interview granted to the French-Spanish journalist Ignacio Ramonet, stressed that the digital transformation of society, with science and innovation and social communication, are pillars of government management.

He pointed out that the country seeks to implement digitalization and Artificial Intelligence in productive and goods services sectors, to improve efficiency and quality.

World Telecommunication Day has been celebrated since 1969, commemorating two significant events: the founding of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the signing of the first International Telegraph Convention in 1865.

World Information Society Day was declared in November 2005, according to the request made by members of the World Summit on the Information Society to the United Nations General Assembly.
